Trump US President [the United States should not have to intervene ...

What Trump loses in the terrorist organization designation of the ... Trump US President [the United States should not have to intervene in the Middle East] Donald Trump President of the United States, revealed the country had made a mistake by having to intervene in the Middle East. Trump President American soldiers from the account of Twitter social media (Twitter) has been newly posted with regard to the withdrawal from the Syrian border. Trump President in the post, [What are centuries dispute followed between the various populations. America was not in any way should be involved in the Middle East. It was allowed to withdraw the 0 soldiers. Turkey, Europe must bear the responsibility of combatants our terrorist organization DEASH that have been arrested and refused to return home (ISIL). War without end was ridiculous said that we was over]. Trump President in the post, [The United States spent trillions of dollars to the police mission and combat in the Middle East (about 0 trillion yen in Japanese yen). He died our precious soldiers thousands of people, or was seriously injured.