The US government, the first in the specified army to the Iranian ...

What Trump loses in the terrorist organization designation of the ... The US government, the first in the specified army to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization Donald Trump US President day, was designated Iran's elite force, the Revolutionary Guards a (IRGC) to the international terrorist organization. The first time the United States has designated the terrorist organization the troops of other countries. According to the National Iranian media, the Iranian government as a countermeasure, specified in the terrorist organization the US military stationed in the Middle East. 0 years to Trump President later announced the Iran nuclear agreement withdrawal, there is a growing tension of the United States and Iran. IRGC that was specified in the terrorist organization, the future American side is an additional sanction to Kassel. In view of the involvement of the IRGC to Iran economy, in particular, expected to impose sanctions, such as impact on the business sector. A number of IRGC and related organizations already, nuclear proliferation activities and terrorism support, has been the subject of American sanctions on suspicion of human rights violations.