The United States is specified in the terrorist organization the ...

What Trump loses in the terrorist organization designation of the ... The United States is specified in the terrorist organization the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Month and day, playing cards US President has announced that it will specify the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a (IRGC) in a foreign terrorist organization (FTO). On the same day, Pompeo US Secretary of State at a press conference, accused the Iranian government is supporting the terrorist activities in the Middle East region. In addition, for the countries of the banks and corporations, he said that there is a duty to check whether there is no deal with the IRGC, seeking immediate attention. According to the US State Department, the case became a sanctioned, there is also a possibility of imprisonment 0 years of the sentence is imposed at the longest. This specification is effective from date. On the other hand, submitted Zarifu Foreign Minister, National Security addressed to Rouhani president, which is also the chairman of the Supreme Council (SNSC), a letter of recommendation to specify the US Central Command (US CENTCOM) and related units a terrorist organization in retaliation did.