Think Japan real culprit of the relevant tanker attack, terrorism ...

What Trump loses in the terrorist organization designation of the ... The real culprit of this related tanker attack, terrorism experts do this think. Or [Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps] or [anti-government terrorist organization] Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is in Iran visit date, in Iran off the coast of the Gulf of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz, Japan-related tanker cough is subjected to someone of the attack. Criminal is not clear at present. The same day Pompeo Secretary of State of the United States, spoke and [there is a responsibility to Iran]. In the grounds [analysis of the US intelligence agencies], in particular weapons and tactics scale that was used by the national army level, it is possible, yet there is motive, but it means that Iran, shows clear evidence Absent. Then, Trump President also support this Pompeo remarks. Then Shanahan Secretary of Defense agency also condemned the continued attack of Iran.