Yemen civil war, target the UAE admit Aden air strikes [terrorist ...

What Trump loses in the terrorist organization designation of the ... Yemen civil war, target the UAE admit Aden air strikes [terrorist organization] United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the day, acknowledged that Yemen's interim government has carried out air strikes in Aden (Aden) to place the capital, announced that [terrorist militia] was the target. Yemen interim government the same day, had been accused UAE has performed air strikes aimed at the interim government forces in Aden and on Twitter (Twitter). The UAE, Shiite (Shiite) system rebel Houthis faction (Huthi) and fighting a key member of the coalition forces of Saudi Arabia led to support Yemen interim government. According to the announcement the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs went on day and night, as local information of the [terrorist militia] is preparing to attack the Saudi Allied has been confirmed, [precise and direct the same organization to target the Do not air strikes], that was carried out on both days. The ministry, the air strikes have claimed that it was of under attack from the [terrorist organizations and armed groups with ties] [self-defense].