Rice, the pair Iran tough stance more Defense Corps

What Trump loses in the terrorist organization designation of the ... Rice, the pair Iran tough stance more Defense Corps [terrorist organizations] Iran strong opposition the situation in the Middle East destabilization Trump US administration the day, in order to strengthen the pressure on Iran, decided to specify the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps is an elite unit in the foreign terrorist organization]. Iran is such as to certify the US military back to the [terrorist organization], has been strong opposition to the center of the anti-American hard-liners. In the United States except also speculation of Israel support, but the hard-line policy, there is a possibility to further destabilize the situation in the Middle East. [Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps is a terrorist organization. Do all you can do to protect the safety of American soldiers. Pompeo US Secretary of State said talks with FOX News program of the day, was again claimed the validity of the decision. Trump president also stressed in a statement to the [thing to increase the maximum pressure in the range and scale of the Iranian regime].